Control, corruption, and an experiment gone wrong, the story centers around a particularly horrific day involving Rego Education Site 102. The book successfully creates a thought provoking theme with a believable plot and harrowing situations by intertwining a dystopian societyContinue Reading

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic still feels very much alive and real. Massive shutdowns, halted travel plans, and isolation from those that you love. But what if there was something else lurking beneath our fragile and terrified society; something asContinue Reading

Written in diary format, we begin the story when Ruby Marlowe is 7 years old. As she ages, the story progresses and dark secrets begin to unfold. Ruby knows her father is hiding something dark and sinister, but the moreContinue Reading

“Hush now, Vera-baby. Hush now.” Welcome to the Crowder House. Plagued by her father’s horrendous crimes and her mother’s heartless cruelty, Vera vowed to never step foot in the Crowder home again. When her estranged mother calls years later suddenlyContinue Reading

This book is made for nightmares, and my goodness it is devilishly good! Golem is the perfect socialite that everyone seems to admire, but Alena knows what Golem really is.  While she tries to sever the connections that continuously hauntContinue Reading

The second book of The Rose series is just as thrilling as the first one. The story immediately begins where the previous book left off, so I highly recommend reading Volume 1 before diving into this one. With that beingContinue Reading

This book is my favorite of King’s work. He has a talent to induce terror  and this is certainly no exception. Although King only lives about 30 minutes from my home and often seen in local coffee shops, I haveContinue Reading

Gosh this book brings me back to my childhood days! I remember reading this in Middle School, and then re-read it again as an adult. It’s still just as dark and twisted as I remember it being.  The Dollanganger seriesContinue Reading

I found this book to be fairly predictable, and only occasionally annoying (with the main character and her constant cat and mouse game of “I love him, I love him not..) but at the same time, I kept turning theContinue Reading