Book of the Month Book Club
Summer Reading Challenge 2019
hosted by BOTM Book Club Facebook Group
May 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019

Show Book List


Summer is a great time to participate in Reading Challenges. This year the Book of the Month Book Club is hosting a 30 prompt challenge from May 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019. If you’re already a member of the group don’t forget to post your progress!


1. Books must be a BOTM book. You can use ANY book from their website.
2. You can only use 1 book per prompt. (no doubling up!)
3. Books must be read during the challenge months. (re-reads count!)


1. Post must include which prompt you’re using the book for.
2. Post a pic of the book.
3. A short review.
4. A star rating.


Summer Challenge Book Prompts

The prompts to use are as follows:

1. A book by a debut author.
2. A book in your least favorite genre.
3. A book before 2019.
4. A book made or being made in to a movie.
5. A novel without people on the cover.
6. A BOTM recommended by someone in the group.
7. A Book of the Year finalist.
8. Your nominee for the 2019 Book of the Year.
9. A Young Adult novel.
10. A book featuring an animal.
11. A dystopian novel.
12. A book in a unique genre.
13. A BOTM book that’s been on your TBR the longest.
14. A BOTM book you swapped.
15. Your all-time favorite BOTM.
16. A book club group pick.
17. A book featured on the “Members most loved” on the website.
18. a book that has 400 + pages.
19. A book that has 4 stars on Goodreads.
20. Book you love the cover of.
21. A buddy read selection.
22. A BOTM book also featured in Reese Witherspoon’s book club.
23. A book with a minority character.
24. A book release during the reading challenge.
25. A book set outside the US.
26. A book you recommend to others.
27. A book you got as an add-on.
28. A nonfiction book.
29. Book set in the future.
30. A Historical Fiction book.

Join the Challenge!

You don’t have to be a member of the Book of the Month Book Club group in order to participate! You can do this as a self motivational challenge to conquer your Book of the Month backlogs or with a friend.

If you’d like to participate with the group you can join the Facebook group here. Just remember the additional rules listed above when posting within the group. Otherwise you’re entry won’t count!

I’d love to know what you’re reading too! Just leave a comment below if you want to participate with me, or would like a recommendation for one of the prompts listed above. 😀