Hayden’s life is finally on track. Or so it seems. She is in the middle of mending her life when she shows up on her brother’s door asking him and his wife to watch her daughter, Sierra, while she takesContinue Reading

I have a lot of respect for writers who can create a book vastly different than the thousands already out there. Based on the synopsis, I suspected this to be a schizophrenic physiological thriller, or even an aliens-came-to-earth type story.Continue Reading

The premise of the plot is your typical ‘rags to riches’ story-line, but after a few chapters it felt dry and flat. I trudged on though, determined to finish it and give it a fair shot. It all went downContinue Reading

I found the premise of the plot intriguing and the characters enjoyable. This is definitely a book that was intentionally written with a second book in mind, so there are questions and situations that have not been answered in theContinue Reading

A short and quick read written with middle grade readers in mind. With a similar style as to “A Series of Unfortunate Events “, this book (being a first in a trilogy) offers a cute, silly, dark and dreary taleContinue Reading

I found this book to be fairly predictable, and only occasionally annoying (with the main character and her constant cat and mouse game of “I love him, I love him not..) but at the same time, I kept turning theContinue Reading

I wouldn’t have imagined that this book was going to be as good as it was. There was a lot of development going on here so there wasn’t as much action as I hoped, but it was still an enjoyablyContinue Reading

The writing style is different but pleasing and the plot had me turning the pages. It’s hard to find a book like this these days, but Mason pulled it off seamlessly. About 3/4’s of the way through it felt likeContinue Reading

This is a debut novel by Michelle Cohen Corasanti, who writes a story during the time of poverty, war, and hope in the Middle East. Written from the point of view of a young boy and into his childhood, youContinue Reading

As a parent, this book really spoke to me in regards to my children and their own school-aged bullies. Although written with a mystery plot in mind, it’s purpose is also a meaningful one. The author takes a great boldContinue Reading

Spindler writes some great thrillers. This one felt a little less exciting compared to her other novels but still enjoyable. It’s hard to find authors that consistently grip the readers with new material and suspense but she delivers every time.Continue Reading