This book includes all 7 books of the Narnia series written in chronological order instead of publication date. 1.  The Magician’s Nephew2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe3. The Horse and His Boy4. Prince Caspian5. The Voyage of theContinue Reading

“Momo”, also known as “The Grey Gentlemen” or “The Men in Grey”, became my second favorite Michael Ende book shortly after being introduced to “The Neverending Story”.  Although intended to be a children’s book, “Momo” appeals to both children andContinue Reading

First published in 1979 and then translated in English in 1983, “The Neverending Story” centers on a boy, Bastian, a small and strange child who is neglected by his father after the death of Bastian’s mother. While escaping from someContinue Reading

A simple story that pulls at your heartstrings. Based on a true story, this book showcases the devotion and loyalty of our beloved fury companions. Make sure you have the tissues! Awards:* ASPCA Henry Bergh Children’s Book Award (2005)* AlabamaContinue Reading

A short and quick read written with middle grade readers in mind. With a similar style as to “A Series of Unfortunate Events “, this book (being a first in a trilogy) offers a cute, silly, dark and dreary taleContinue Reading