Inspired by true events, The Ways We Hide is a beautifully written WWII spy story full of historical intrigue and amazing characters. The story is primarily written from Fenna’s point of view which instantly connects you to her character andContinue Reading

Poignant, heartfelt, and beautifully crafted, Chambers of the Heart is an amazing collection of magical and thought-provoking speculative short-stories worthy of savoring and re-reading.  What I loved most about this book was it’s multi-layered elements of meaning and how theyContinue Reading

This book has earned a permanent home among my shelves. If you enjoy pirate adventure books with fantasy vibes, then you must read Fable! Separated from her family and alone on a dangerous island, she quickly learns how master herContinue Reading

I absolutely loved this book! The English editions of Zafon’s work are translations from his original Spanish writings, but the beautiful and elegant writing style remains intact. Full of mystery and suspense, this is a gothic fiction book that farContinue Reading