About the Book

The Invasion Of The Tearling

The Invasion of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #2)

Author: Erika Johansen
Series: The Queen of the Tearling #2
Pages: 515
ISBN: 0062290398
Genre: Dystopia, Fantasy, Young Adult
Publisher: Harper
Released: June 9, 2015




Kelsea Glynn is the Queen of the Tearling. Despite her youth, she has quickly asserted herself as a fair, just and powerful ruler.
However, power is a double-edged sword, and small actions can have grave consequences. In trying to do what is right - stopping a vile trade in humankind - Kelsea has crossed the Red Queen, a ruthless monarch whose rule is bound with dark magic and the spilling of blood. The Red Queen's armies are poised to invade the Tearling, and it seems nothing can stop them.
Yet there was a time before the Crossing, and there Kelsea finds a strange and possibly dangerous ally, someone who might hold the key to the fate of the Tearling, and indeed to Kelsea's own soul. But time is running out...
Erika Johansen's fierce and unforgettable young heroine returns in this dazzling new novel of magic and adventure, set in the beguiling world of the Tearling.

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Our Review

I was pleased to see that the pace was faster and the world seemed more evolved compared to the first book of the series.

The narrative felt choppy and the dialogue felt artificial. 

After some serious consideration, I decided that this isn’t one of my favorite trilogies. (ugh! but it had so much potential!) I expected it to be though, and maybe that’s why I felt a little let down with this one.