About the Book

Darling Rose Gold

Darling Rose Gold

Author: Stephanie Wrobel
Pages: 320
ISBN: 0593100069
Genre: Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Suspense
Publisher: Berkley
Released: March 17, 2020




For the first eighteen years of her life, Rose Gold Watts believed she was seriously ill. She was allergic to everything, used a wheelchair and practically lived at the hospital. Neighbors did all they could, holding fundraisers but no matter how many doctors, tests, or surgeries, no one could figure out what was wrong with Rose Gold.

Turns out her mom, Patty Watts, was just a really good liar.

After serving five years in prison, Patty begs her daughter to take her in. The entire community is shocked when Rose Gold says yes. And Rose Gold is no longer her weak little darling..... And she's waited such a long time for her mother to come home.

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Our Review

If you like psychological suspense, then I think you’ll enjoy this book. While I was expecting some creepy plot points and “edge of your seat” thrills….. it turned out to be more of a suspense novel than a thriller (IMO). Don’t turn away just yet though! The mother-daughter dynamics are enough to keep you reading and the writing style is superb! I felt the ending was a little rushed and I would have liked a little bit more “ooompfff” with the twists, but overall this was a SOLID read for me.

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